Communications Objective
Improve communications vehicles, content, frequency, reach and strategy to engage and inform ACEC/NC’s stakeholder groups in a timely and effective manner.
1. Build awareness of ACEC/NC mission, vision and value among:
- Members
- Members' Employees
- Potential Members
- Partner Groups
- Legislators
- Influencers
- Other Stakeholder Groups
2. Reach more employees at member firms
3. Engage with and help encourage a greater diversity of membership
- Age, especially young professionals age 25-40
- Race
- Gender
- Location
- Professional roles
4. Raise profiles of member firms in North Carolina
5. Strengthen relations with community and industry partners
6. Grow attendance at events, especially outside of Raleigh
- Particularly Charlotte and Greensboro
Implementation Plan
The ACEC/NC website is its most critical communications tool. It’s the “central” information hub for members, partner, potentials members, media and anyone seeking information from or about ACEC/NC. The website is THE most important part of ACEC/NC’s brand and nearly all of its marketing efforts.
The association recognizes that a new, modern website is needed in short order. The following are objectives for the website that would support the communications plan and its components.
- Goals
- Function as a consolidated and effective online source of information
- Represent the ACEC/NC brand well
- Serve as a “home base” for social media and other electronic communications
- Effectively drive action and engage people in the following areas:
- Become a member today
- Sign up for our newsletter or email alerts
- Register for/Learn about upcoming events
- Donate to the PAC
- See pictures from events
- Download the content from member events or meetings
- Follow us on our social channels
- Read the latest news (about ACEC/NC, legislative issues, key projects in the state, videos, etc.)
- Join a committee
- Support our legislative agenda
- Provide a platform for member feedback on a variety of issues
- Provide useful analytics to more fully understand members’ interests, needs and activities